Set up Raspberry Pi

What we need:

Installation steps

  • Input SD card to your computer and use for matter program to format SD card

  • Open Etcher program and burn the SD card (take a bit long)

  • After flashing is finished just take off the SD card and insert it into Raspberry Pi. Then connect Raspberry Pi to monitor and turn on the Raspberry Pi. After that, you can use the Raspberry Pi.


If you want to use Putty program to remote Raspberry Pi you need to connect your Raspberry Pi with Wi-Fi first and then find your Raspberry Pi's IP. You need to follow the step below to remote your Raspberry Pi through Putty:

  1. Set up your Raspberry Pi with monitor, mouse, and keyboard

2. Connect WiFi and open SSH.

3. Open Putty Program ( you can download it from the internet) and put the IP address of your Raspberry Pi and Port number (Port number normally is 22). Note: you need to connect both computers and Raspberry Pi with the same network.

After that just click open and you will get like this

You need to put the User name and Password:

Login as: pi

Password: raspberry

After put username and password you will get as above, so it times for you to enjoy with Raspberry Pi through Putty.

The next step is to install node-red, see you on the next page.

Last updated

Assoc. Prof. Wiroon Sriborrirux, Founder of Advance Innovation Center (AIC) and Bangsaen Design House (BDH), Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University